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Coconut Creek Neuropathy Clinic Services

Below are just a few of the options that we have at our Coconut Creek location to help treat the needs that you or your loved ones might have. We provide a wide variety of services so that we can help any and all that come. Most important we pride ourselves on the best care possible. At South Florida Health Institute you are not just a number but part of the family.

Neuropathy Treatment Coconut Creek

We treat neuropathy with a multi-faceted approach that combines cutting-edge technologies and holistic therapies for effective nerve repair and pain relief:

  1. Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT): Utilizes electromagnetic infrared therapy to enhance blood flow and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels around the peripheral nerves through a process called angiogenesis. Supported by 21 peer-reviewed studies, this method has a 97% success rate in treating peripheral neuropathy.
  2. Electrostimulation: Employs advanced digital electro therapeutic stimulation, known as Nerve Re-Education, to promote nerve growth. This technique is recognized by the Cancer Centers of America for aiding those undergoing chemotherapy in nerve rebuilding. It can be performed at home for daily therapy, offering immediate pain relief and sensation restoration.
  3. Advanced Nutrition Therapy: Focuses on optimizing nutrition to support tissue and nerve repair, accelerating healing by targeting inflammation, improving blood flow, and increasing bioavailable nitric oxide.
  4. In-Clinic Visits & Online Education: Complements home therapies with weekly in-clinic visits and online educational resources to ensure a comprehensive treatment regimen.

Each component is vital to achieving the best possible outcomes for our patients, working in synergy to address neuropathy effectively.


Knee Rehab

Our Knee Rehab Treatment incorporates a holistic approach to alleviate chronic knee pain through four key strategies:

  1. Atomic Spin Technology Knee Therapy: This method utilizes PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) stimulation to calm overactive nerves and reduce inflammation, aiding recovery from injury. It’s particularly effective for patients with persistent or systemic pain, offering a new avenue for relief through magnetic therapies.
  2. Electromagnetic Infrared Therapy: Supported by peer-reviewed research, our patient-wearable infrared device has demonstrated a 90% reduction in knee pain, significantly enhancing lower body function. Infrared therapy works by triggering a series of natural biological processes that reduce both acute and chronic pain, increase metabolism in injured tissues, and stimulate ATP production. It also improves circulation by repolarizing cell membranes, thus decreasing inflammation and edema, and directly alleviating pain by preventing the release of pain-inducing biochemicals.
  3. Advanced Knee Decompression: Our innovative knee decompression technology offers relief for those suffering from chronic knee pain due to various conditions, including osteoarthritis and post-surgical complications. Research indicates that mechanical traction is superior in reducing pain and enhancing quality of life compared to other treatments like ultrasound and exercise.
  4. Advanced Nutrition Therapy: Optimal nutrition is crucial for effective tissue and joint repair. Our Advanced Nutritional Therapies are designed to speed up the healing process by addressing inflammation, improving blood flow, and enhancing the availability of nitric oxide.

Each component is integral to our comprehensive Knee Rehab Treatment, aimed at significantly improving your quality of life and mobility.

Weight Loss

Our Approach

In the fast-paced, high-stress environment of modern life, it’s common to address health issues only after they start affecting us negatively, instead of taking preventative measures. Our dedicated team is committed to collaborating with you to identify the most effective strategy for your weight management journey.

Our Goal

Following a comprehensive evaluation, we aim to uncover the underlying causes of your weight challenges and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. Our objective is to support you in achieving your health and wellness goals through our transformative approach, empowering you to live the fulfilling life you’re entitled to.

Metabolic Treatments

Our methodology transcends the conventional labels of traditional or alternative medicine. At South Florida Health Institute, our “Trust Your Gut” formula views the human body as an intricate biological system—a community of cells interacting among themselves and with their environment. Inspired by the foundational medical principle “First do no harm,” we treat the body as a system inherently inclined towards achieving optimal health.

Patients come to our clinic looking to uncover the true root of their health issues and to discover how they can enhance and maintain their well-being.

The “Trust Your Gut” approach is designed to complement both pharmaceutical and homeopathic treatments. Rather than conflicting with these methods, it enhances the individual’s response to treatment, ensures better adherence, and improves overall outcomes, all while minimizing potential side effects associated with pharmacological interventions.

Auto Accident

Treatment for car accident injuries at our clinic involves a gentle, non-invasive, and holistic method to heal the body. Given the unique circumstances surrounding car accidents, we approach each patient with utmost caution and personalized care. Our treatment plans are customized to meet the specific needs of every individual.

The initial phase of treatment focuses on managing pain, aiming to reduce spasms and inflammation. Following this, the second phase concentrates on enhancing function, mobility, and alignment to restore the body’s natural movement patterns. The final phase is dedicated to strengthening and rehabilitation, where we employ corrective and therapeutic exercises designed to fortify the body, ensuring proper function and movement are achieved and maintained.

athlete chiropractic

Sport Treatment

At South Florida Health Institute in Coconut Creek, Florida, we specialize in treating sports-related injuries to help athletes recover swiftly and return to the sports they love. Our comprehensive chiropractic care covers adjustments of the spine, neck, and all major joints, alongside soft tissue therapies and rehabilitative exercises to enhance recovery and performance. We emphasize injury prevention by identifying and strengthening the body’s “weak spots” through thorough examinations and functional assessments, thus not only safeguarding athletes but also boosting their performance. Studies and professional athlete testimonials affirm that chiropractic care can significantly improve performance and reduce injury risk. Let us support your athletic goals, on and off the field.

Chiropractic Spine & Extremity Adjusting

What are adjustments? The number one Chiropractic service we use is the adjustment. Adjustments are a force generated by the doctor in a specific plane in order to restore proper motion to a malposition or “subluxated” segment. We do this to both the spine and extremities, which not only affects the joints, but also the nervous system. When doing this we restore proper flow and inhibit pain receptors. These adjustments also affect different body systems and can help with digestion, asthma, gastrointestinal problems and more. Consequently we use various techniques and adjustments to accommodate all types of people and preferences. We care about your comfort and want your visit to be an enjoyable one.

Soft Tissue and Chiropractic

Equally important to the joints is the soft tissue. For the same reason we offer soft tissue therapy and myofascial release. The soft tissue component of your body is an important one that we do not overlook. We have different techniques and therapies that will help restore proper function, decrease muscles spasm and improve movement. These therapies increase blood flow and promote healing, break up scar tissue, and remove the build-up of toxins and painful chemical mediators. It is important when trying to restore proper function to your body that you address the soft tissue.

Rehabilitation in Coconut Creek

With the core of our chiropractic service being the adjustment, rehabilitation would be a close second in terms of importance. Without rehab, most people are not able to function at their 100% potential. In order to re-train your body to function properly, rehabilitative exercises are taught to each patient in order to strengthen and stretch muscles while re-training the nervous system. Many exercises done in the office are easy enough to do at home as well. These exercises will not only improve function, but they will also help you relieve stress and ensure that you feel better during your everyday life!

Coconut Creek Neuropathy Clinic

These are just of few of the common conditions that we treat here in our office.

We Value You!

Our job here at South Florida Health Institute, is to be sure you are functioning at your 100%. Using a whole body and evidence-based approach; we strive to find the root cause of your “dis-ease”. We have a wide variety of techniques and approaches to accommodate all patients. Come join the family and let us help you!

Want to schedule an appointment?

Call us at (561)626-9555 to make an appointment.
